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Four months after being fired by Atlanta, Arthur Smith is hitting the reset button in Pittsburgh

来源:International Intrigue news portal编辑:opinions时间:2024-06-03 18:15:30

PITTSBURGH (AP) — Arthur Smith walked in and sat down, a microphone in front of him and a Pittsburgh Steelers baseball cap pulled tight on his head.

Four months after being fired in Atlanta, Smith is returning to his play-calling roots — and hoping to hit the reboot button on his career — as the offensive coordinator in Pittsburgh.

Smith did little to articulate what exactly the Steelers will look like in the fall. Considering what Pittsburgh general manager Omar Khan did in the first two rounds of the NFL draft, maybe Smith didn’t have to.

Khan selected offensive tackle Troy Fautanu with the 20th overall pick on Thursday. On Friday, he added center Zach Frazier from West Virginia. They will join a line that includes tackle Broderick Jones, the Steelers’ first-round selection a year ago, and veteran guards Isaac Seumalo and James Daniels.

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