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Celtics were beaten at their own game at 3

来源:International Intrigue news portal编辑:sport时间:2024-06-03 18:08:27

BOSTON (AP) — After outscoring the Heat by 42 points from the 3-point line in a 20-point playoff series-opening win, Celtics coach Joe Mazzulla knew Miami would adjust for Game 2.

The Heat did, taking a page from how Boston demoralized opponents from beyond the arc throughout the regular season.

Miami connected on a franchise playoff record 23 3-pointers, stunning the East’s top-seeded Celtics 111-101 on Wednesday night.

Boston, the NBA’s second-best 3-point shooting team, set its own playoff franchise record with 22 3-point makes in Game 1. But, it went just 12 of 32 on Wednesday. The Heat finished 23 of 43, which was also a franchise playoff record for 3s made by a Boston opponent.

Tyler Herro led Miami with six 3s, followed by Caleb Martin with five. Six Heat players had at least two triples.

While Miami’s volume was up and put pressure on Boston, Mazzulla thought his team did try to make things difficult on the perimeter.

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