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Lindor goes 0

来源:International Intrigue news portal编辑:opinions时间:2024-06-03 23:08:32

CLEVELAND (AP) — Three years later, Francisco Lindor finally came home.

Walking back into Progressive Field as a visitor for the first time on Monday, Lindor’s mind quickly filled with memories of spraying champagne — and a painful night when a World Series title slipped away.

Lindor was back where his playing career began, returning to Cleveland as a member of the New York Mets, who acquired the All-Star shortstop in a blockbuster trade following the 2020 season.

Flashing his familiar smile, Lindor genuinely seemed to enjoy his return.

“I missed it,” he said before the game while standing in a hallway outside New York’s clubhouse. “This was my home for a while, and it feels great to be here. For sure.”

Before taking batting practice, Lindor warmly greeted former teammate Carlos Carrasco, who was traded to the Mets with him, as well as longtime team radio broadcaster Tom Hamilton and Guardians star third baseman José Ramírez.

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